FREE MONEY to Save Energy!

OhmConnect is a great program that gives you free money by saving energy.  If your current power company is one of the following, you qualify for OhmConnect:  PG&E, SCE, and SDG&E Nationwide!  That is the ONLY requirement.  You do not have to meet any income, demographic, or household requirements.  The service is free, does not change your utility plan, and you can opt-out at any time!  Once you sign up for OhmConnect simply link your existing PG&E, SCE, or SDG&E account to get ready to start making #FREE money!

What is an OhmHour?

How you earn free money is by opting in to “OhmHours.”  So, what is an OhmHour? Once or twice per week, OhmConnect will send you a text message and/or email alert that notifies you of an upcoming high-peak energy period and they are having an #OhmHour to reduce energy consumption.  When you click the link to “Opt-In” to the OhmHour, you are indicating you will be reducing your energy consumption during that time.  You reduce your energy consumption by turning off lights, not running the A/C or Heat, turning off the TV, etc. Then you earn points which are redeemable as cash deposited into your PayPal account or as a credit to use in their store to purchase other smart home devices to reduce your energy consumption even more!

Using both OhmConnect and Your Power Companies Energy Saving Program

Now, a lot of you may be saying to yourself, but I already am signed up for the energy saving program through my power company.  Why would I want/need to sign up for this one as well?  Can I sign up for both OhmConnect and my power company’s energy saving program?  The answer is, yes, you can sign up for both and why wouldn’t you want DOUBLE THE CASH BACK?!?  Here is proof that you can still participate in the SCE energy saving program, as well as, OhmConnect….My smart thermostat shows the active SCE power reduction in progress and I just received my OhmConnect “OhmHour” participation notification.  I am getting double the cash for saving energy.  Not only do I feel good about doing my part to help the environment, I feel ecstatic that I’m getting FREE money in the process!!

I’ve already earned a couple hundred dollars back from OhmConnect the past year and a half since signing up and I’m so excited to share this amazing program with all of you as well!  There is no risk, no catch, and nothing to lose but FREE MONEY!  So, what are you waiting for?!?  Sign up NOW!

“It’s basically cash back rewards for energy and gives the family an excuse to unplug and spend time together.”

– Megan, San Francisco, CA